Questions for officers accused of domestic violence
As a police officer, you are trained to be precise in your investigations of crimes so that as much useful information can be obtained to properly adjudicate the matter in court. When you are the subject of a domestic violence charge, the same rules essentially...
A word of reason for officers accused of crimes
We rely on and expect police officers to live by the laws they are charged to enforce. After all, they represent the authority of the State of California, which means that they must uphold a standard of fairness and decency. However, it is no secret that some officers...
Why police officers accused of sex crimes need representation
In Los Angeles, and across California, it is not uncommon to hold police officers in high regard. Indeed, they have a dangerous, often thank-less job, but it comes with a sense of responsibility. In essence, we expect police officers to follow the laws they are...
Domestic violence charges covered under a big umbrella
When people think about crimes, they often think about specific behaviors or actions that lead to specific charges. Indeed, specificity is a crucial element in many criminal offenses. However, some criminal charges have much broader definitions and applications. One...
Who Stands Up For Police Officers?
The role of the police is to protect and serve. They are the good guys. Nonetheless, public sentiment toward them is increasingly negative, even when they do everything they are trained to do to keep the public safe.On those rare occasions when a police officer...