LAPD officer accused of sexual misconduct with teen cadet

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2017 | sex crimes |

If you thought the scandal involving teen cadets stealing LAPD patrol SUV’s was enough, there apparently are more layers to this incident. According to a recent report, an officer from the same division was recently arrested on suspicion of having a sexual relationship with a teen cadet.

The officer was stationed at the LAPD’s 77th Street Division and was a ten-year veteran of the force. This was the same division where teen cadets are accused of stealing police equipment, including police radios and bulletproof vests in addition to the SUV’s that were crashed last week in chases. When word of the relationship reached Chief Charlie Beck, he decided to arrest the 31-year-old officer himself. 

The relationship with the 15-year-old cadet was reportedly consensual, but it is unclear whether any sexual acts took place at the precinct headquarters.

To make matters worse, a collection of nearly 100 weapons were found at the officer’s home after a search. They included modified assault rifles that may not have been legally held under California law.

It is unclear at this point what the officer may be charged with, but given the purported breach of public trust and negative publicity on the police, it is reasonable to believe that the actions will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Despite this, the accused officer has the same rights and protections that any other criminal defendant is entitled to. In the same vein, it is equally as critical to have an experienced criminal defense attorney to present a strong defense.

If you are a police officer accused of breaking the law, we invite you to contact us.